Catherine Maher 19th April 2024

Auntie Mary will always be the vivacious and funny and big-hearted woman whose visits to Dublin with Leonard, Simon and Laurence over the years, were always cause for a special kind of excitement in our house. Mum would be preparing for ages beforehand and Dad, who was a bit more eh, low-key about things, even he got into the “Mary’s coming over” buzz. For me, as a teenager and into my early 20’s, I could always rely on Mary to understand and empathise with whatever was going on in my life; I loved her often hilarious, but invariably bang-on advice she’d give me about “boys” - her unapologetic feminist stance was such a blast of fresh air for me, esp back in 1970’s Ireland! I also remember she used to get terrible migraines, but she didn't want any fuss made, and would put on her “party face” and give it her best shot (a gin & tonic sometimes helped!). She was a force of nature in the best possible sense, a one-of-a-kind and greatly loved Auntie – I/we were very lucky to have her in our lives for so long. Sending much love to Len, Simon & Laurence xxxCatherine